Thursday, April 5, 2007

Keep Me in Your Heart

"It is part of the mystery of any symbol always to contain something of the power of the thing symbolized just as it is more than a mere piece of painted cloth that makes your pulse quicken when you come upon your country’s flag in a foreign country. When in remembrance of Jesus, the disciples ate the bread and drank the wine, it was more than mere bread and wine they were consuming, and for all the tragic and ludicrous battles Christians have fought with each other for centuries over what actually takes place at the Mass, the Eucharist, Communion, or whatever they call it, they would all seem to agree that something extraordinary takes place. Even if the priest is a fraud, the bread a tasteless wafer, the wine not wine at all but temperance grape juice, the one who comes to this outlandish meal in faith may find there something to feed his deepest hunger, a new life to bring him alive.”


Christ is telling us to take hold of our lives and all we hold dear and give thanks to God for them, and break them up, hand them over in sacrifice, and share them with all the world.

“Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses.”

----C. S. Lewis
“Weight of Glory”

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