Thursday, July 12, 2007


Lately I've been caught up in my own Roman Catholic tradition, which is not solely what this page is about (particularly when I get blindsided by the jackasses in the Gerontology Ward that is the Vatican! But neither is this page a place for my personal rants. Please visit "Erato's Hideaway" if you're interested in that.) This is supposed to be a non-sectarian space. I want to explore relationships, mine and others, with creation and the creator.
In that context I present "Kaddish", the Jewish prayer for the dead.
Years ago, I wanted to compose a musical "Elegy" and asked my friend Nate Horowitz for a copy of the Jewish prayer at funerals. When he gave me "Kaddish", I asked,"Where's the mention of the dead, of heaven and hell?" He called me something like a "Meshuganah" (which I think means "wise man") and told me they praise God and pray for peace. That is their prayer.
So, in that spirit, here's "Kaddish". I praise you, God, and peace be upon us!

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