Sunday, August 5, 2007

Two Knock-Out Punches

This last Saturday at a Quincianera, the Latino coming-out rite for 15 year old girls, the first reading at mass was from Ecclesiastes, that wonderfully cynical font of wisdom. The selection was fitting for the occasion: the writer telling us to enjoy the sunshine of youth, for it will not last long. Then, after a few jabs at the futility of life, he lands the haymaker ----Quit knocking yourselves out trying figure life out because

Nothing Makes Sense!!!

Three words that disarm all who try to sell us on answers and “The Secret” and “The Road”: life does not make sense. It’s not suppose to. So sing praise and give thanks to the creator of this marvelous non-rational senselessness!! Wisdom does not mean having the answers.

Sunday’s New Testament reading was from Paul’s letter to the Colossians. [I’m not a big fan of Paul, as I feel a lot of what’s wrong with the institutional Church finds its seeds in Paul’s persona and writings. In the campaign against James and his followers, Paul was a regular Karl Rove.] Paul tells the people that, having “died with Christ”, they must bury their old ways .After a few jabs against Idolatry and adultery, he hits them right between the eyes:

“You Must Stop Lying To Each Other!”

How many times have I turned off the T.V., following messages from the political and marketing worlds, saying to myself, “When will they stop lying to us?” But what a liar I am, also. Not only with words, but with actions and facial expressions and apathy. After a millennium, the idea of honesty is still a radical –to the bone- idea.

Suppose all took that commandment seriously and suddenly stopped
lying to each other. Period. It would be a brutal mess for a while, but once the dust settled, and honesty did become the policy, how different our relationships would be!!!!

Relax. For thousands of years of politics and religion, lies have masqueraded as wisdom. It’s not going to change. That would make sense, and, as we all know: Nothing Makes Sense!!!

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