Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Gull, The Kite, and Joe Gula

This morning I was sitting on the rocks by Lake Michigan, phasing in and out of some kind of praying. I watched a gull float by---what an easy metaphor for the brain to use when considering the spirit.
Behind me, on the grassy area of the park, a young couple was laughing, trying to get a kite up in to the wind. I remembered my friend Joe Gula, deceased now several years, who had an annual kite-flying party for relatives and friends of all ages, complete with awards and prizes and certificates for everyone for some kind of achievement or another.

As I thought of him, with the kite in the air and the gull hovering nearby, I wondered if I had somehow "contacted" or "awakened" the spirit of Joe. I know this is stretching it,( and I agree with George Carlin, who passed away the other day, that it would be a lousy eternity for the dead to have to lie around watching the living all the time),but I also somehow believe that what made Joe "Joe"---- how his eyes lit up when a young nephew or niece got their kite airborne for the first time---did not die with the body or ceased to exist.

Recently I watched a video on memory and the brain. It showed the mind making all sorts of electical connections in different hemispheres of the brain to summon up images and emotions and information needed to "remember"----- just the way the circuit board of a computer gathers data, even though we didn't know these things about the brain when the computer was designed. (One could say humans intuitively designed computers in our image, without even knowing it. Tell me again in whose image was creation made?)

Is it not possible that the gull and the kite and Joe Gula lit up more than just the connections in my mind, but perhaps coinciding switches in another level?
Just asking...

Hello, Joe. Look at that kite!

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