The Advent season has always been one of contemplation
and reflection in anticipation of celebration of the Incarnation Mysteries. But
looking around these days really makes me want to go to the desert wilderness
and hide.
This year, “The Cry to Buy”, “The Retail Wail”, is even
more desperate and screeching. Three weeks before Christmas is time for “last
minute shopping.” The Business world made no attempt to hide its steamrolling
over Thanksgiving, not even waiting til the post-dinner evening (“Black Friday”
is just a slogan) the push starting a week before , with an avalanche of
commercials written by admen who clearly understudied with carnival barkers and
brothel pimps.
This shopping season has become open season on anyone
with money or a credit card. It’s “US against THEM” and they’re after the kill.
This evening I
heard the words of Isaiah proclaiming a time of truth and justice, with
divisions ceasing. As I write this, groups of peaceful, non-violent protesters
are parading through downtown Chicago, as has happened in many other cities ,
decrying the non-action of two Grand Juries over police- black men deadly
confrontations. These groups have been comprised of a wide variety of races,
ages and religions bringing attention to this situation.
But, of course, there has been others – predominately
White – who are using this to inflame the racial divide that has existed in
this country since nearly its beginning, and keep getting worse as the tools of
mass communication expand their message
of hatred and ignorance. (Some have blamed a man who was murdered because he
was obese,) US against THEM.
This began right in the middle of retail’s open season
on shopper’s money. When protests were announced, one media figure said “Not
tonight, we have the Xmas Tree lighting ceremony!” One poignant scene showed protesters laying
down and blocking the aisles of Macy’s and other retail giants in Manhattan.
Talk about ground-zero!
I can’t help but see these protesters as modern-day
John the Baptist and his rabble-rousers. Like John, they are calling us on our
bullshit righteousness. “Truth shall
spring out of the earth, and Justice shall look down from heaven.”
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