Monday, February 18, 2008

Separated at Birth

It seems like every columnist and blogger eventually resorts to posting an item or column called "Separated at Birth", the gist of which is to find photgraphs of people, sometimes spanning centuries, who look enough like each other to be twins. Of course, some can be done as a form of harmless(?) political satire:

Sometimes it's just uncanny:

Sometimes it's very scary:

And sometimes they just go too far:

Scientists and Psychologists seem to agree that, as human beings, we're wired to see patterns and detect similarities and note connections. We seem to be exceptional at it on the physical, visible world. Why, then, are we so terrible at seeing the underlying connections between us as spiritual beings, as souls? Why do most religions organize, not to include everyone, but exclude all who are "different"?
When push comes to shove, push comes to shove--- as one of my teachers used to say---and we see only what divides us.

But don't all philosophies and religions, especially those who have the advantage of not being organized, preach that we share a common origin and a common destiny (or destination.) In a very real sense, we are all separated at birth---separated from the creator or the spirit, and also separated from each other. Don't all the writings we hold sacred all say that only when we are able to restore those connections will we have arrived back whence we came?
Isn't unity our destiny?

Just asking...

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